Pojęto próbę oceny wpływu warunków hodowli na ekspresję białek powierzchniowych pięciu gatunków gronkowców koagulazoujemnych. Badania przeprowadzone na 31 szczepach gronkowców pochodzących od nowo#rodków hospitalizowanych na Oddziale Intensywnej Terapii pozwoliły na analizę podobieństw tych białek w obrębie danego szczepu hodowanego na różnych podłożach.
A surface adhesion is a fundamental stage, in a pathogenesis of inflammations caused by coagulase-negative staphylococci, at which surface proteins take part. The proteins that were found at S. saprophyticus and ascribed to take part in polystiren plates adhesion: SSP-1 and SPP-2 could be an example. In this work the effort to esteem surface protein expression of various kinds of coagulase-negative staphylococcus according to cultivation conditions has been made. The studies carried out with 31 staphylococcus strains being obtained from new-born children hospitalised in Neonatology Clinic helped to analyse the similarities among these proteins in the area of a given strain cultivated on different mediums. The examined strains belonged to five different species and it had been taken into consideration during the results esteem. On the grounds of electrophoretic surface proteins division the charts dysometric analysis was created showing interdependence between Rf for surface proteins and optical density. Afterwards an analysis for each strain was done taking into account a sort of medium on which the cultivation had been placed. S. haemolyticus strains analysis cultivated on three different mediums allows to isolate two protein groups showing similar expression of both Iow-and high-molecular proteins. For the majority of strains belonging to the same species one can observe a similar expression within low-and high-molecular surface proteins regardless of cultivation conditions. Recurrence of the electrophoretic pictures regardless of changes in cultivation conditions, creates the base for the recognised proteins identification and also for the proteins with unmarked activity isolation.