A study of the very complex, from the taxonomic point of view, Taraxacum genus was undertaken in the area between the towns of Cieszyn and Bielsko-Biała (S Poland). Taraxacum species belonging to three sections: sect. Hamata H. Øllg. (three species), sect. Palustria (H. Lindb.) Dahlst. (one unidentified taxon), and sect. Ruderalia Kirschner, H. Øllg. et Štěpánek (61 species) were recorded. Nine species new to Poland were found: T. acutifrons Markl., T. ancistratum H. Øllg., T. bellum H. Øllg., T. chrysophaenum Railons., T. deltoidifrons H. Øllg., T. horridifrons Railons., T. pronilobum H. Øllg., T. rhamphodes Hagl., T. violaceifrons Trávníček. Presence of three other species, whose localities hitherto have not been exactly given, was confirmed: T. aberrans Hagendijk, van Soest et Zevenbergen, T. fasciatum Dahlst. and T. gibberum Markl. (all they belong to the section Ruderalia). For most species, the details of their occurrence in Poland were also reported. The species new in Poland are briefly described and illustrated with photographs of herbarium specimens.