Trzyletnia ocena żywienia studentów wykazała niezbilansowanie racji pokarmowych z zapotrzebowaniem pod względem zawartości produktów i składników odżywczych. Zmiany zaobserwowane w czasie mogą nasilać ryzyko wystąpienia niedoborów mineralno-witaminowych przy równocześnie silnie zaznaczonych cechach aterogenności racji pokarmowych.
This work presents the data from an evaluation of food intake by 600 students of the Medical University of Łódź, aged 21-26. A comparative analysis of the results for three consecutive (1993-1995) free-market-economy years in Poland was made. The 24-hour food intake recall method was used in 1800 cases. Our results show that students nutrition, like that of various other social groups, significantly differed from the recommended standards. The analysis of the structure of the daily rations revealed a trend toward decreasing intake of meat, fish, eggs, butter and potatoes and increasing, intake of other products, e.g. fats, mostly margarines. Particularly unfavourable nutritional changes, especially in women, comprised lower-than-recommended intake of most minerals and vitamins. Higher-than- recommended intake of saturated fats was another serious fault. At the same time, cholesterol intake was high, but it was getting gradually lower and lower. The free-market-economy-related changes in students nutrition may result in specific pathologies, and therefore further nutrition monitoring studies on that population are necessary.