Zbadano zawartość cynku, manganu, miedzi i żelaza w kawach naturalnych mielonych i ziarnistych po zmieleniu oraz w naparach wykonanych z tych kaw. Analizę przeprowadzono w spektrometrze absorpcji atomowej SP 192 firmy Pye Unicam. Określono także stopień ekstrakcji do fazy wodnej dla poszczególnych pierwiastków. Wyniki poddano analizie statystycznej: analizie wariancji i korelacji. Wykazano charakter zależności w zawartościach oznaczonych mikroelementów między kawą a naparem oraz między zawartościami tych pierwiastków w ziarnie kawy palonej.
Zinc, manganese, copper and iron contens were determined in some ground coffee, coffee beans and coffee infusions by atomic absorption spectrometry using a Pye Unicam SP 192 apparatus and air-acetylene flame. Various kinds of coffee were obtained from retail shops in Lublin in 1996/1997. The degrees of extraction to the water phase were qualified for the indivudual mineral elements. Mean values were: zinc 30.0% in ground coffee and 35% in bean coffee after grinding, manganese 45.3% and 54.3%; copper 8.2% and 7,7%; iron 9.4%and 14.1%, respectively. The concentration ranges were: zinc 4.50 mg/kg to 9.35 mg/kg in ground coffee and 5.00 mg/kg to 6.50 mg/kg in bean coffee after grinding; manganese 13.50 mg/kg to 29.00 mg/kg and 13.00 mg/kg to 20.00 mg/kg, copper 13.00 mg/kg to 18.75 mg/kg and 12.75 mg/kg to 17.00 mg/kg; iron 34.00 mg/kg to 277.50 mg/kg and 33.75 mg/kg to 57.00 mg/kg, respectively. The levels of zinc and copper in the examined samples of coffee were within the limits specified by the relevant Polish regulations. The levels of the remaining examined elements are comparable with data of other authors. Relationship detected by statistical analysis are reported which were found to occur between the levels of the test elements in coffee and coffee infusions as well as in coffee beans.