Metodą spektrometrii atomowo-absorpcyjnej oznaczono zawartość ołowiu, kadmu, chromu, cynku, manganu, miedzi, niklu i żelaza w 11 gatunkach miodów pitnych. Stwierdzono stosunkowo male ilości pierwiastków w badanych miodach pitnych w odniesieniu do obowiązujących ograniczeń.
Lead, cadmium, chromium, zinc, manganese, copper, nickel and iron contents in seven grades of mead were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. Chromium, zinc, manganese, copper and iron were determined directly from the mineralizates by flame AAS. Lead, cadmium and nickel levels were assayed using extraction technique with 4-methyl-2-pentanone after complexing the metals with pyrolydine carbodithionate (APDC). Metal contents ranged: from 24 ro 68 µg/l lead; 0,5-3,0 µg/l cadmium; 5-35 µg/l nickel. Copper and chromium concentrations were from 0,031 to 0,175 mg/l and from 0,013 to 0,05 mg/l, respectively. Highest concentrations were those of iron: 1,38 -12,75 mg/l. The concentrations of zinc and manganese ranged between 0,120-0,900. mg/l and 0,075-2,25 mg/l, respectively. The levels of metals detected in the meads were similar to those reported in wine by other authors and much lower than the maximum admissible values specified for meads in respective Polish Standards.