Badano wchłanianie 14C-leucyny w jelicie szczurów otrzymujących dietę o zwiększonej zawartości witaminy B6 i narażonych na wielokrotne (2 tyg.) działanie karbarylu, propoksuru i tiuramu w dawce 5% LD50.
Carbaryl, propoksur, and thiuram were administered for 14 days, by a stomach tube, at dosing level corresponding to 5% LD50 , to male Wistar rats four weeks old and fed a diet enriched with vitamin B6 (200 µg/day). Active and passive leucine transport in rat intestine was studies using liquid scintillation method according to Patrick and Papworth, modified by the authors. No disorder of leucine transport was observed in animals exposed to carbaryl and propoksur, and fed a diet enriched with vitamin B6. No disturbances were also noted in subject exposed to thiuram, except that Jm constans was increased by about 170% when compared with the control, and the affinity was decreased (rise of Kt constant by 320%). However, it seems that the diet enriched with vitamin B6, may protect amino acids homeostasis in animals exposed to some xenobiotics.