Wistar and Buffalo rats of both sexes, aged 4 months, were divided into three groups: I which was given an intramuscular injection of 3 x 10 6 cells of Morris hepatoma (Buffalo males), II - subcutaneous injection of 3 x 10 4 cells of mammary gland carcinoma (Wistar females), III - intraperitoneal injection of 3 x 104 cells of Yoshid sarcoma (Wistar males). The animals were killed: in group I - 19, group II - 13 and in group III - 6 days after tumor transplantation. Twenty four hours before euthanasia the rats were given 5-brome-2'-deoxyuridine (BRd-U) at a dose of 50 mg/kg body mass. The control group consisted of animals with tumour. They were not treated with BRd-U. Im- munocytochemical reaction was performed on the sections of tumors, using monoclonal anti-BRd-U clone BU-33, Sigma. Computer measurements of tumor cells were carried out. There was a high similarity in morphological parameters between two kinds of cancer, and clear differences between them and Yoshid sarcoma. The main difference was noted in a twofold increase in the quantity of synthesised DNA in the nuclei of sarcoma cells. Immunocytochemical identification of tumor cells in phase S of the cell cycle with the use of monoclonal anti-BRd-U antibody is a precise and quick method of estimation of their proliferative potential.