Oznaczono zawartości makro- i mikroelementów oraz metali toksycznych w bardzo popularnych na polskim rynku konserwach ze szprotów. Badaniom poddano trzy asortymenty konserw ze szprotów: szproty w sosie pomidorowym, szproty podwędzane w oleju i parowane w oleju. Wykonano analizy zawartości wapnia, fosforu, magnezu, potasu, miedzi, cynku, żelaza, manganu, chromu, selenu, fluoru, jodu, kadmu, ołowiu, rtęci i arsenu.
The content of macro- and microelements and toxic metals in the most popular canned sprat was described in this paper. The research included the following canned sprat: sprat in tomato, smoked and steamed sprat in oil. The following analyses were carried out: content of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron, manganese, chromium, selenium, fluorine, iodine, cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic. Fluorine, iodine, selenium, and calcium and phosphorous are provided to customer organism in large amount by canned sprat, however canned sprat cannot be considered as a source of copper, chromium, and manganese. On the base of assessment data one canned sprat (weight 170 g) provides to customer organism more than 50% recommended daily intake of calcium and phosphorus, 85-233% fluorine, 62,5% iodine, 43% recommended selenium, more than 25% zinc, about 15% daily intake of magnesium, potassium and iron. It was found that all of the analyzed canned sprat contained relatively low content of cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic, thus confirming the established safety standards.