W Tatrzańskim Parku Narodowym w latach 2006–2007 odnaleziono stanowiska cisa pospolitego i określono warunki naturalnego odnawiania się tego gatunku. Stwierdzono odnowienia w Dolinie Strążyskiej na trzech stanowiskach – w masywie Łysanek, Suchego Wierchu oraz Grzybowca. W każdym z tych miejsc cis występuje grupowo, gdzie obok siebie rosną osobniki żeńskie i męskie. Umożliwia to obradzanie nasion i w konsekwencji naturalne odnawianie się gatunku. Chociaż warunki klimatyczne są niekorzystne dla wzrostu i rozwoju cisa, stwierdzono obecność 15 młodych osobników, w tym pięciu w wieku 5 lat i więcej. W celu ochrony przed zwierzyną płową zaproponowano ogrodzenie tych stanowisk
There was not any evidence of the successful yew regeneration in the Polish Tatra Mountains in the past. However, during the last four years, the seedlings were noticed at some sites. The inventory performed in November 2006 revealed 15 young specimens recorded on three sites. Their age ranged from 1 to 15 years and the only one specimen was more than 10 years old. The successful generative regeneration, which is occurring now, gives the hope for the further natural regeneration at these sites. The regeneration is so little in number at present that we should not expect a substantial increase in number of T. baccata in the Tatra National Park. Also the source of the seeds is very limited. The influence of the deer population, which is grazing on the yew, cannot be neglected. Therefore, in order to protect the natural regeneration against the deer, it is proposed to fence off the sites of yew. It is also proposed to perform the research on the soil mycoflora to find whether the pathogenic microorganisms, such as Cylindrocarpon radicola, are present