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2003 | 48 | 2 |

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Phylogenetic relationships among deer in China derived from mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b sequences

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The phylogenetic relationships of Cervidae and Moschidae were examined using partial sequence data of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome b. Ten new sequences were obtained for six species of Cervidae and Moschidae, and aligned with those previously reported for other deer species. Our results demonstrated that the phylogenetic status of the taxa inferred from molecular data was congruent with taxonomy based on morphological studies. Cervidae formed a monophyletic group that consists of four subfamilies: Cervinae, Muntiacinae, Hydropotinae, and Odocoileinae. Moschidae occurred at the base of the Cervidae clade. On the basis of molecular clocks for genetic distance, the divergence time of mtDNA haplotypes within the subfamily Cervinae, among subfamilies in Cervidae, and between Moschidae and Cervidae was estimated to date 2-7 MYA, 6-10 MYA and 8-13 MYA, respectively.









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  • Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100080, China


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