Miasto Nowy Targ (pow. około 50 km2) położone częściowo w centralnej części Kotliny Nowotarskiej, a częściowo w obrębie Gorców - wg wszelkich badań źródłowych -jest historycznym ośrodkiem Podhala. Region ten położony w środkowej części Karpat Polskich i w ich części uznanej za górską w zasadzie jest jednolity pod względem specyfiki społecznej, kulturowej i gospodarczej. Wyjątkowe położenie Nowego Targu w centrum funkcjonalno-przestrzennego układu obszarów chronionych Podhala (Parki Narodowe - Tatrzański, Babiogórski, Gorczański i Pieniński oraz rezerwat torfowiska wysokiego „Bór na Czerwonym") stanowi podstawowe uwarunkowanie rozwoju przestrzennego miasta.
Nowy Targ town (surface approx. 50 km2) placed partially in the central part of Nowotar- ska Valley and partly in Gorce neighbourhood, accordingly to all sources, is the historical centre of Podhale. This region is located in the central part of Karpaty Polskie and it is radically unified regarding social, cultural and economic specificity in their part recognized as mountain. The extremal placement of Nowy Targ in the centre of functional and spatial network of protected areas of Podhale (National Parks: Tatra Mountains, Babiogorski, Gorczanski and Pieninski and the reservation of high peatbog "Bor na Czerwonym") constitutes the fundamental pre-condition of spatial urban management. The experiences learnt from the elaboration of community studies, however, mainly the study on Nowy Targ and resulting from the over half a year period of its function, let us to formulate the following conclusions: 1. Lack of uniformly precised in the act on spatial management role of the study on preconditions and directions of spatial management has an impact on views of self-governmental authorities about its importance and usefulness. It is very often a role of a designer in the course of labour on the study. Only the strict cooperation of local authorities and the group of designers at the study elaborationallows to define the statements, which are accepted and realized. We cannot, according to the act on spatial management, restrict ourselves only to the formal and legal trybe. The greatest number of variety of meetings and discussions on particular stages is necessary. The collective evaluation of pre-conditions influencing on obligatory plans of spatial management realization is very important, as well as a common choice of fields of interest. 2. Lack of univocally precised form of study elaboration makes possible to focus on analitical and project works on the most important problems appearing in a community and precision of study to its specificity, identity and needs. Irrespectively, we should define the importance of community in the settlement system and her meaning for the region. 3. In the study important is univocal definition which study statements are obligatory and which are only postulated. As a minimum of obligatory statements is definition of territories with a prohibition of investments and useful to invest. 4. Unified definition of areas for local plans of spatial management and precision of guide-lines to their working out is necessary. It concerns first of all plans for upgrading on account of pre-conditions in spatial management. 5. Statement of activities performed by the self-governmental authorities in the range of spatial management is very important in the activities study, as well as precision, what should be done to achieve the required management of area in the first turn. 6. In the light of obligatory legal norms the most important areas to include in plans are firstly open territories, protected against building them up because of different pre-conditions, however, mainly natural and landscape and secondly territories to invest.