W dziesięciu rodzajach kaw naturalnych typu instant oznaczono zawartość ołowiu, chromu, cynku, manganu, miedzi, niklu i żelaza metodą spektrometrii atomowo-absorpcyjnej, po uprzedniej mineralizacji badanego materiału w piecu muflowym w temp. 450oС.
Lead, chromium, zinc, manganese, copper, nickel and iron content of ten instant coffee brands was determineed by atomic absorption spectrometry. Lead and nickel were assayed using extraction technique after the metals had been complexed with APDC. Methyl isobutyl ketone was used as the organic phase. The contents of the remaining elements were determined directly from the mineralizates using suitable dilution where necessary. The following average concentrations were found: lead, from 0.161 ppm to 0.261 ppm, chromium from 0.33 ppm to 0.69 ppm, zinc from 3.03 ppm to 5.91 ppm, manganese from 10.35 ppm to 31.95 ppm, copper from 0.83 ppm to 1.60 ppm, nickel from 0.83 ppm to 1.86 ppm, and iron from 23.15 ppm to 61.05 ppm. Using those concentrations, supposed intakes of each microelement per one cup of the beverage were calculated, assuming 5 g dry instant per cup. The determined contents of the trace elements were within the limits of current standards. The beverage prepared from those instant coffee brands may be an additional source of some microelements required by the hunan organism.