Wdrazanie systemu HACCP w ZPOW Hortex Plonsk na liniach do produkcji przecierow warzywnych pakowanych aseptycznie oraz sokow i nektarow w ramach projektu PHARE Nr PL 9607-12
There is presented the information about history of the plant and production in ZPOW Hortex in Płońsk (actually member of Hortex Holding SA). There are described the works related to implementation of system HACCP (in the framework of PHARE project No PL 9607-01-12) on the lines of production of aseptic packed vegetable pastes and juices and nectars. Authoress presented the works from scope of "administration by quality" in former ZPOW Hortex Co. Ltd in Płońsk. She presented the implementation of HACCP system in present ZPOW Hortex in Płońsk. Authoress described the profits and experiences gained because of implementation of this system.