Atmospheric cadmium emissions from the non-ferrous metals industry and energy production sector within the Upper Oder River Basin was estimated for the period of 1989 -1992. The zinc and lead industry reduced metal emission by about 75% in the examined period to 1.2 Mg/a, while the copper industry showed a slow growth of emissions from 0.34 in 1989 to 0.51 Mg/a in 1992. Hard coal-fired power plants equipped with pulverized fuel furnaces reduced their Cd emissions by over 40% to 2.08 Mg/a in 1992. Power plants equipped with stoker-fired boilers and power plants incorporated into other industrial plants remain serious atmospheric polluters considering their low production of energy. The nonferrous industry seems to contribute less significantly (1.71 Mg/a) to atmospheric cadmium pollution than the entire energy sector (8.22 Mg/a).