The study aimed to determine the best percentage of grasses an white clover in the mixtures in view of maximum yielding. Experiments were conducted in 1991 on arable lands in Milówka near Żywiec (mountain region). Lolium perenne - Trifolium repens and Phleum pratense - Trifolium repens mixtures were sown. The proportions of gras and clover were following: 80: 20, 60 :40 and 40 : 60%. Moreover, the perennial ryegrass and tymothy there were sown in monocultures with the use of 120 kg N/ha and withough nitrogen fertilization. All experiments were set up as random blocks at four replications. The best proportion of grasses and white clover - in terms of highest DM yield - was 60 : 40%. At 20% white clover the yields were on the same level as at grass monoculture fertilized with 120 kg N/ha; at 60% white clover in the mixture DM production was significantly less.