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2007 | 34 | 3-4 |

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Intake, apparent absorption rate, excretion and normative requirement of human omnivores and ovolacto-vegetarians. Part 4. Iodine in food chain - essentiality and toxicity

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The iodine intake by 7 ad least respectively omnivorous and ovolactovegetarian women and men was examined in 21 test teams in Central Europe and Mexico by the duplicate portion technique over 7 successive days. Women in Germany presently consume > lOOµg, men > 120µg I/day on average, or 1.3 and 1.5 µg/kg body weight/day respectively. In Mexico, iodine intakes by women and men amount to 150 and 200 µg I/day, or 2.5 and 2.6 µg/kg body weight and day, respectively. Although, on average, the normative iodine requirement of adults is met (1 µg, recommendation 2 µg/kg body weight and day), 25% of German adults take in less than 100 and 120 µg I/day, resp. Iodine consumption in summer is 40% lower than in winter. It increases by 30% with rising age (20 - 69 years) and by 45% with increasing body weight. In the endemic iodine- and selenium-deficient region of Central Europe, where iodine intake and serum T4 status were normalized by iodinated salt, it was not possible to normalize the free T3 level in the blood serum. The GSH-Px levels of women’s blood serum (170 U/L) were normal. Supplementation of 50 µg Se and 100 µg I/day normalized the serum-free T3 level. A normalization of iodine metabolism is only given if both the iodine and selenium requirements are met. An increase in the incidence of hyperthyroidism worldwide has been described after iodine supplementation in iodine deficiency regions. The intake by adults is limited to 7 µg/kg body weight. The main excretory routes for iodine are the kidneys and the breast, which compete with the thyroid for plasma iodine. Urine and milk are good indicators of the iodine status and intake, if fecal iodine excretion of humans (about 10 - 80 µg/day) is taken into consideration. On average, omnivores and vegetarians excrete 76 to 87% of the consumed iodine renally and 15 to 24% fecally. Their apparent iodine absorption rate is 83%, on average, and their iodine balance is 2 to 27%. Breastfeeding women without iodine-supplementation excrete 48% of their iodine intake with the milk, 45% with urine and 7% with feces. After iodine supplementation of the mineral mixtures fed to animals and of salt for humans, iodine concentrations in cows and breast milk increased from 10 µg/L to > 100 µg/L. At the start of the new millennium, the annual world production of iodine amounted to 19,600 t, which is partly used for iodine supplementation of animals and man.








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  • Friedrich Schiller University, D-07743 Jena, Germany


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