In addition to the papillary muscles of right ventricle referred to in anatomical nomenclature, namely the anterior, posterior and septal, we have distinguished the “conal papillary muscle” and the “papillary muscle of the posterior angle of the right ventricle”. The conal papillary muscle was described by Luschka in the 17th century as the most constant of the septal papillary muscles. We have distinguished the muscles of the posterior angle of the right ventricle as muscles which would not be clearly classified as either septal or posterior muscles. Moreover, the muscles of the posterior angle of the right ventricle are probably associated with the transfer of the papillary muscles from the septum to the posterior wall of the right ventricle during phylogenetic evolution. Some researchers have classified them with the septal papillary muscles [11, 12], while others have assigned them to the posterior group [5]. The morphology of the muscles was classified using earlier categories for the posterior papillary muscles only. We have adopted the concept of multi-apical and multi-segmental muscles [5].