Instytut Budownictwa, Mechanizacji i Elektryfikacji Rolnictwa, Warszawa
Bezzon G., Cortez L. A. B. 1999. Biomass use in Brazil, alternatives to improve biomass energy efficiency against fossil fuels. AgEnergy'99. Energy and Agriculture towards the Third Millennium. Athens - Greece. Proceedings Vol. 2 s. 947-954
Blicher-Mathiesen U.1999. Demonstration trials of energy crops in Denmark. AgEnergy'99. Energy and Agriculture towards the Third Millennium. Athens - Greece. Proceedings Vol. 1 s. 71-75
Frangi J. P., Veneti A. 1999. The contribution of environmental education to sustainable development. AgEnergy'99. Energy and Agriculture towards the Third Millennium. Athens - Greece. Proceedings Vol. 2 s. 764-769
Pawlak J. 1999. Renewable energy and rural development. AgEnergy'99. Energy and Agriculture towards the Third Millennium. Athens - Greece. Proceedings Vol. 2 s. 717-724
Piechocki J. 1999. Straw as renewable fuel for supply boilers. AgEnergy'99. Energy and Agriculture towards the Third Millennium. Athens - Greece. Proceedings Vol. 1 s. 126-131
Soldatos P. G., Chatzidaki M. A. 1999. Economic evaluation of biofuel production in Greece. The case of ethanol. AgEnergy'99. Energy and Agriculture towards the Third Millennium. Athens - Greece. Proceedings Vol. 2 s. 973-980
Sourie J. C., Rozakis S., Garrastazu A. 1999. A multi-objective decision support system for determining tax exemption policy in the French bio-fuel industry. AgEnergy'99. Energy and Agriculture towards the Third Millennium. Athens - Greece. Proceedings Vol. 2 s. 939-946
Wisniewski G. 1999. Renewable energy and agricultural development policy in Poland. Energy and Agriculture towards the Third Millennium. Athens - Greece. Proceedings Vol. 2 s. 933-938