Protein A-gold immuno-electron microscope (prA-g- IEM) study was performed to detect virus-induced cell surface antigens on bovine herpesvirus-4 (BHV-4) infected MDBK cells, using pre-embedding prA-g-IEM technique and polyclonal rabbit BHV-4 antiserum. The capability of serum antibodies to recognise epitopes of either capsid or virus envelope structural antigens, was preliminary determined with purified virus preparations using the same technique. Under EM observation, virtually all virions presented as nucleocapsids were intensively labelled, whilst only single gold particles were attached to the enveloped virions. This suggests that BHV-4 envelope do not appear as immunodominant viral structure. Surface immuno-labelling did not localise reactive BHV-4 antigens on membranes of infected MDBK cells, regardless of the stage of infection and mode of processing before immune reaction (fixed and unfixed cells). Those findings substantiate the low immunogenic potential of BHV-4, which could be one of the reasons for its prolonged persistence in infected animals.