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2003 | 06 | 1 |

Tytuł artykułu

Characteristics of mixing granular materials achieved by using methods of variance analysis and geostatistical functions


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The article proposes the original way of evaluating the distribution of granular mixture particles after mixing by funnel-flow system. On the basis of graphical analysis of the picture first the observation of value changes of variances in particles distribution along radius of mixer cross sections has been made. Basing on chosen cases of mixing steel and mustard particles it has been shown that the character of these changes is different for various mixing ways. It can be described approximately by non-linear mathematical functions. Similarity between the distributions variances and the applied non-linear functions depends on the correlation coefficient. To describe properties of mixing granular materials geostatical functions (G, , K) have also been adopted and presented. The application of this method has also been shown for tracer distribution in the mixer. The results of investigation for particular functions have bee.








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  • Technical University of Opole, St.Mikolajczyka Street, 45-233 Opole, Poland


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