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Expression of beta1-integrins and N-cadherin in bladder cancer and melanoma cell lines

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Changes in the expression of integrins and cadherins might contribute to the progression, invasion and metastasis of transitional cell cancer of the bladder and of melanomas. The expression of alpha5 (P<0.001), alpha2 and beta1 (P<0.05-P<0.001) integrin subunits in melanoma cells from noncutaneous metastatic sites (WM9, A375) were significantly increased as compared to cutaneous primary tumor (WM35) and metastatic (WM239) cell lines. These differences might be ascribed to the invasive character of melanoma cells and their metastasis to the noncutaneous locations. The significantly heterogeneous expression of beta1 integrin subunit in two malignant bladder cancer cell lines (T24 and Hu456) and nonsignificant differences in the expression of alpha2, alpha3, and alpha5 subunits between malignant and non-malignant human bladder cell lines do not allow an unanimous conclusion on the role of these intergrin subunits in the progression of transitional cancer of bladder. The adhesion molecule, expressed in all studied melanoma and bladder cell lines, that reacted with anti-Pan cadherin monoclonal antibodies was identified as N-cadherin except in the HCV29 non-malignant ureter cell line. However, neither this nor any other bladder or melanoma cell line expressed E-cadherin. The obtained results imply that the replacement of E-cadherin by N-cadherin accompanied by a simultaneous increase in expression of alpha2, alpha3 and alpha5 integrin subunits clearly indicates an increase of invasiveness of melanoma and, to a lesser extent, of transitional cell cancer of bladder. High expression of N-cadherin and alpha5 integrin subunit seems to be associated with the most invasive melanoma phenotype.








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  • Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University, M.Kopernika 7, 31-034 Krakow, Poland


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