The objective of this study was to estimate genetic correlations of lactose percentage and urea concentration in milk with conformation traits related to udder and legs of Polish Holstein-Friesian cows. Data consisted of 5,813 test-day records and type scores of 791 primiparous cows. The analysis involved two descriptive traits (udder, feet and legs, scored from 50 to 100) and 11 linearly scored traits (describing udder: fore udder height, rear udder height, central ligament, udder depth, udder width, fore teat placement, teat length, rear teat placement; describing legs: rear legs - side view, foot angle, rear legs - rear view; on a scale of 1 to 9). Genetic correlations were calculated based on (co)variances estimated using the Bayesian method via Gibbs sampling and the multitrait animal model. Genetic correlations between lactose content and conformation traits ranged from -0.18 to 0.23, while those between milk urea concentration and conformation traits ranged between -0.02 and 0.43, respectively. Absolute values of average genetic correlations with daily lactose percentage exceeded 0.15 only for udder (descriptive trait) and several linearly scored traits, i.e. central ligament, udder depth, rear teat placement, and rear legs - rear view. Milk urea content was weakly or moderately genetically correlated with six type traits: udder, and five linearly scored traits: fore udder height, central ligament, udder width, teat length, and rear legs - side view. Absolute values of genetic correlations between these traits exceeded 0.15. Our results showed that type traits connected with udder were more highly genetically correlated with both lactose and milk urea contents than type traits describing legs. It meant that an increase in both lactose percentage and urea concentration in milk might be expected as an indirect response to selection for better udder, whereas selection for improvement of legs would not affect lactose percentage and milk urea content.