Obszar Karpat znajdujący się w granicach województwa małopolskiego jest naturalnie predysponowany do rozwoju rolnictwa ekologicznego. Nie jest to obecnie w pełni wykorzystywane, o czym świadczy liczba gospdarstw ekologicznych, wynosząca tylko 235. Badania wykazały, iż dla zwiększenia ich liczby należy zorganizować rynek produktów ekologicznych oraz zwiększyć liczbę gospodarstw agroturystycznych.
The part of the Polish Carpathian Mountains within the borders of Małopolska Province has a natural predisposition to develop organic agriculture. The following features favir this development: a high number of people involved in the agriculture industry, relatively low costs of manpower, and a low level of the environmental poliu lion in this area. The objective of the studies and survey was to define the impact of natural, agricultural, environmental, economic, and wide-ranging decisive factors on the prospective development of organic agriculture. The survey performed allowed for the determination of a number of agro-tourist farms among all organic farms in the communes situated in the part of the Carpathian Mountains under consideration. Based on the survey and study outcomes, it was stated thad the organic product in bin urban agglomerations was not a factor influencing the growth in the number of organic farms. The major impediment to the development of organic agriculture was lack of a prearranged and conrolled ready market for organic agricultural products manufactured by organic farms. The fact that there were sevaral sistrict protected by law in this region enhanced the increase in the number of organic farms in this area. Furthermore, the development of organic farms was supported by agro-lourism activities because they opened/offered opportunities of selling goods produced in and by organic farms.