The aim of presented study was the monitoring of the occurence of Cmm in 2006–2010. During the studied period, 97 tomato plants were tested. In 33 cases Cmm was detected. All plants diagnosed positivly showed disease symptoms, which appeared on tomato plants at the fruit setting stage. Characteristic unilateral wilting and necrosis were observed. 2–5 days after bacteria isolation on the NCP-88 medium, typical Cmm convex ,cylindrical colonies from light yellow to a milky yellow were observed. The pathogenicity test on tomato seedlings was additionally performed. Usually seven days after inoculation, typical symptoms of tomato bacterial cancer – unilateral wilting of leaves, appeared. In order to fulfill the Koch postulates, the bacteria were reisolated from artificially inoculated tomato seedlings showing unilateral wilting. Their identity was confirmed by PCR reaction with Cmm specific primers pairs: PSAR/PSA-4 or Cmm4/Cmm5. The presence of reaction products with a length of 270 nt for the first and 614 nt for the second pair of primers confirmed the identification. As a positive control, the Cmm isolate from the collection of the Department of Virology and Bacteriology, The Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute was used.