The monitoring of Venturia inaequalis resistance to dodine was conducted in 2009 and 2010 seasons in 78 and 244 commercial orchards situated in different regions of Poland, where apple scab symptoms in spite of intensive chemical control were observed. Samples of 30–50 affected fruits and leaves were collected from each orchard. Typical scab lesions with visible conidia were cut out and placed directly onto potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium with addition of 1 ppm dodine and on fungicide – free PDA medium as a control. After 24 hrs of incubation, the germination of conidia was checked under microscope. From each orchard 1000 conidia (100 from 10 lesions) were screened. The level of resistance was classified into four categories (very high, high, medium and low). The low level (L) of resistance to dodine was stated in 28 and 41.6% of tested orchards, medium (M) in 33% and 22.8%, high (H) in 16% and 19.5% orchards and very high level of resistance (VH) in 23 and 16.1% of tested orchards, respectively in 2009 and 2010 season. Only in 12 and 43 of monitored orchards the resistant forms were not found. The majority of orchards with high and very high resistance to dodine was recorded in central – 33% and 19% in south regions of Poland.