The present study was aimed at evaluating – for the domestic meat industry – the crosses of Danish pig breeds, originating from mating Landrace‑Yorkshire (LY) sows with Duroc or Duroc-Pietrain (DP) boars, as regards their burdening with RYR1 gene, as well as meat quality and technological value (including hot carcass weight). The studies were conducted on 64 porkers from two genetic groups: LY×D and LY×DP. Within each genetic group two weight classes were separated – 80 kg and 90 kg hot carcass weight. The model values for physicochemical properties and the technological value of meat obtained from LY×D fatteners, irrespective of the weight class (80 kg or 90 kg), as well as the 100% resistance of those animals to stress, fully justify their use for the commercial production of fatteners. In the national programme for commercial production the LY×DP crosses may also be used, though a preference should be made for slaughter at the higher hot carcass weight (90 kg) as a clear improvement was observed of the most important for the processing industry meat quality traits, expressed by the significantly lower drip loss during storage and higher technological yield (TY).