Przedstawiono występowanie jemioły pospolitej jodłowej Viscum album L. subsp. abietis (Wiesb.) Janch. na nowym żywicielu, którym jest wierzba iwa Salix caprea. Drzewo żywicielskie rośnie na polanie Wielkie Załonie w Krościenku nad Dunajcem (Pieniny Zachodnie) na miedzy w zadrzewieniu śródpolnym. Stanowisko znajduje się w sąsiedztwie jednego z najobfitszych stanowisk jemioły pospolitej jodłowej w Pieninach, w otoczeniu lasu Łupisko i doliny Łonnego Potoku
The paper presents the occurrence of white mistletoe Viscum album subsp. abietis on a new host. This interesting observation was made in the Pieniny Mts in the Wielkie Załonie glade, on a limb of Goat Willow Salix caprea (Fig. 1). Hitherto this taxon of mistletoe has been observed mainly on Silver Fir Abies alba, and incidentally on Japanese Larch Larix leptolepis and Silver Maple Acer saccharinum. The site with Salix caprea as a host is presented with reference to white mistletoe occurrence on its typical host – Silver Fir Abies alba. The diagnostic characteristics of a mistletoe’s berry and seed in the collected specimen are also described (Fig. 2). The possibility of seeds dispersal depends on the frequency of occurrence of three vector birds. These are the following species common in the Pieniny Mts: Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla, Fieldfare Turdus pilaris, Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus, and relatively rare wintering Waxwing Bombycilla garrulus