Instytut Włókien Naturalnych i Roślin Zielarskich w Poznaniu, Poznań
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4. Karus M.: European Hemp Industry 2002: Cultivation, Processing and Product Lines. J. Industrial Hemp, 2004, 9(2): 93-101.
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6. Krotov V.S.: Use of AAS pulping for flax and hemp shaves. J. International Hemp Assoc., 1996, 3(1): 16-18.
7. McPartland J.M., Clarke R.C., Watson D.P.: Hemp Diseases and Pest, CAB I. Pub. UK, 2000.
8. McPartland J.M., Culter S., McIntosh D.J.: Hemp Production in Aotearoa. J. Industrial Hemp. 2004, 9(1): 105-115.
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11. Wirtshafter D.E.: Ten years of a modern hemp industry. J. Industrial Hemp, 2004, 9(1): 9-14.
12. Wu Wei: History and market of hemp in China. Natural Fibres. Special Edition 1998/1, Institut of Natural Fibres, Poznań, 1998, 58-63.
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