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2014 | 38 | 2 |

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Strategic programme of studies and implementations of the Institute of Spatial Management and Housing at the background of directions of increasing the efficiency of tree resources management in cities

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At the background of the wide description of the current approaches to the definition of value and significance of the natural environment (green infrastructure) in cities, this article presents the range of research studies that were carried out, are now carried out and are planned in the Institute of Spatial Management and Housing which constitute the whole of site works of the Institute executed on its own and with cooperation with the SGGW and Polish Academy of Sciences PAN as well as planned research topics. The studies are concerned with the implementation of a new philosophy of strategic planning and developing greenery projects based on the benefit maximization model (of ecosystem services) for prevention of loss of biodiversity and degradation of the natural environment in the conditions of urban city structures. The works mainly aim at preparing strategic models of sustainable natural environment development especially concerned with city trees and at using these examples to assess the possibility of implementing the city policy in terms of increasing the ecological efficiency of the green infrastructure defined by the EU as the natural capital of Europe.The remaining articles published in this edition of the Man and the Environment quarterly describe the results of the up-to-date studies in Praga Północ and literature studies and are concerned with: – analysis and structure of greenery areas and objects; – assessment of habitat conditions and development barriers to the existing trees; – analysis of the distance of trees and shrubs from structures; – results of poll studies concerned with the suggestions on border parameters of protected trees in Poland. Information presented in these articles are going to be used during the process of implementation of the undertaken research tasks and for comparison analysis of the results of similar studies in other Polish cities and foreign cities in order to define the coefficients of ecological efficiency of city areas. As a summary of the discussed cycle of studies carried out by the IGPiM, visualizations of the suggested solutions within spatial management of Praga Północ areas have been created to present what could be achieved as a result of the planned revitalization of Praga Północ – as an example of multidisciplinary cooperation of planners, local authorities and self-government and local population.








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  • Institute of Spatial Management and Housing, Targowa 45, 03-728 Warsaw, Poland


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