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2013 | 63 | 2 |

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Measurement of the supply of agricultural products: An international comparison


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Recently the supply situation of agricultural products has received increased attention due to a growing world population, the rising demand for animal products, an increased use of biomass for bioenergy production, highly volatile market for agricultural and food products and climate change, among other things. Therefore, a proper method to represent the total agricultural production is required. With this in mind, this paper provides an international comparative survey of procedures that aggregate agricultural production. In order to identify international best practices with regard to accounting agricultural production, monetary and physical aggregations to measure food supply are analysed. Based on the international comparison, we identify the Austrian feed database and the French model “Foresight feed” as advanced methodological approaches.








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  • Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Platz der Gottinger Sieben 5, 37073 Gottingen, Germany
  • Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Platz der Gottinger Sieben 5, 37073 Gottingen, Germany


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