The task undertaken in this study is characteristics of selected phenomena and processes which are determinants of the local labour market and result from persistent features of local system and systemic change. The aim of paper is to clarify the causal relationship between its environment and restructuring policy and current status of the local labour market and provide a guideline for intervention. Analysis had been included in two categories of circumstances relating to the development of the labour market in the local area which are: local labour market linkages with the environment and process of restructuring the local economy, which has brought changes in the rules for the functioning of the labour market in the local area. This two selected and considered factors constitute a framework of current determinants of local labor market status, but of course they are not only one. System analysis approach was applied in this paper according to the principles of system dynamics created by J. Forerster. In the simulation author intend to show how the labour market without reserves and with the low level of settlement operates. Analyses presented here refer to poviats in Poland situated outside the agglomerations owing specific opportunities, threats, chances and barriers which are far different from labour markets of big cities and suburban areas.