The socio-economic transformation, which took place in the previous decade, made essential changes in the conditions of agriculture in the Central-European countries. In this paper we compare evaluation of land ownership, property size and the land use in two neighbor countries that have the same historical and economic roots. As a consequence of the compensation process and the transformation of the former cooperatives in Hungary more than one million people own about 90% of land. In Slovakia 76% of agricultural land is owned by private persons (natural and legal entities as well) 24% is administrated by state. This portion of agricultural land consists of state land and agricultural land, which is not documented. The farm structure in Hungary as well in Slovakia has changed. Most users of agricultural land are renting their land, which is very similar to the situation in some EU countries. The average size of agricultural companies in Hungary is about 660 ha (this represents 1/6 of the average size before transition), while it is 2.7 at individual farms. In Slovakia the average size of the legal entities managing on agricultural land is 1 322 ha, and average size of natural persons managing the agricultural land is 36 ha. Several economic difficulties are caused by this fragmented farm structure. In some Central-European countries this process took place similarly, but the main trend is that the ownership and the land use are separated. This paper examines the factors, which should be modified to make agriculture more effective in connection with its multifunctional role.
Przedstawiono zmiany, jakie następują w rolnictwie Węgier i Słowacji. Rozważania dotyczyły zmian w zatrudnieniu oraz wykorzystaniu ziemi. Stwierdzono potrzebę stworzenia w obu państwach systemu finansowego wspierającego rynek ziemi i uregulowań dotyczących dzierżawy.