All the long and most fruitful scientifi c activity of Professor Stella Niemierko has been inseparably connected with the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology which she entered in 1926 as a thirdyear student. For many years she was involved in the studies of various aspects of phosphorus metabolism. In 1959 Stella Niemierko established the fi rst national team to introduce a neurochemical approach to systems based physiology. Four years later she offi cially founded the Laboratory of Neurochemistry which she guided until her retirement in 1977. She actively participated in its further development until the end of her life. Collaborative work between Professor Stella Niemierko and Professor. Liliana Lubińska led to signifi - cant advances in the fi eld of axonal transport. The major fi ndings which brought to a formulation of basic hypothesis of bidirectional movement of axoplasm were published in the leading scientifi c journals Nature and Science. Encouraged by Prof. Jerzy Konorski, she undertook the studies on neurochemical basis of learning and memory. She also initiated investigations concerning biochemical changes occurring in the brain after fi rst visual stimulation, which were awarded a national prize. Professor Niemierko has contributed to the development of neurochemical research projects in several centers in Poland gaining the respect and admiration of the whole Polish biochemical and neurobiological Community. She was honored member of the Polish Neuroscience Society.