The author investigating the urine of persons suffering from trichomonadosis states that for the final evaluation of urine as a biological material for the diagnosis of trichomonadosis it is an important diagnostic material when the sensitive and simple method of examination by the phase microscope is used. Repeated results of the examinations attain 97 per cent, the majority of the infections are detected during the first examination of the urine and the possibility to detect the Trichomonas is maintained to a considerable degree even after 24 hours of the storage of the sediment of the urine at the temperature +4 and +18°C. The circumstances making difficult the detection of the Trichomonas are: an abundant sediment, strongly alkaline reaction of the urine and a small number of the Trichomonas. The examination of the urine should be conducted besides and independently from the examinations of other materials and should fill up the gape in the complex diagnostic examinations of trichomonadosis. This is particularly important in the isolated form of trichomonadosis of the urinary tracts.