W badanych jaskiniach skład fauny naściennej różnił się nieco, co prawdopodobnie spowodowane było drobnymi różnicami mikroklimatycznymi (temperatura, wilgotność i przepływ powietrza) między jaskiniami. Skład fauny osadów obu jaskiń był podobny, natomiast wyraźne zmniejszenie i wahania liczebności bezkręgowców w Jaskini Towarnej były skutkiem antropopresji. W obu obiektach stwierdzono utrzymywanie się populacji troglobiontycznego chrząszcza Speonomus hydrophilus – introdukowanego do Jaskini Dzwonnica ponad 30 lat temu z jaskiń Pirenejów
Parietal fauna was studied in autumn and winter of 2006/07 and 2007/08, whereas invertebrates in sediments − in 2008/09 in two caves different in shape and anthropogenic impact. Insects (Insecta) represented by flies (Diptera) and butterflies (Lepidoptera) dominated on cave walls; furthermore, one spider species (Meta menardi), snails (Gastropoda) and woodlouses (Oniscidae) were found. The composition of parietal fauna slightly differed between the studied caves, which was probably caused by slightly different microclimatic conditions. The composition of sediment fauna in both caves was similar, but a significant reduction and fluctuations in the number of invertebrates in Towarne cave were a consequence of anthropogenic impact. Invertebrate fauna of sediments was represented by the groups of troglobites such as: nematodes (Nematoda), oligochaetes (Oligochaeta), woodlouses (Oniscidae), springtails (Collembola) and mites (Acari). Moreover, larvae of flies and beetles (Coleoptera) and a few snails were found. Although the organic matter content in sediments of Towarna cave was higher than in Dzwonnica cave, the density of fauna was lower, probably due to contamination of sediments. The beetle Speonomus hydrophilus introduced 30 years ago (from Pyreneean caves) was the only troglobite species found in both caves