Ecological status assessment of rivers using macrophytes on selected examples. The Water Framework Directive introduced ecological approach to the assessment and classifi cation of waters. Macrophytes have become one of the four elements of their bio-Ocena stanu ekologicznego rzek z wykorzystaniem makrofi tów... 83logical evaluation. This study was undertaken to verify connection between biological, chemical and hydromorphological methods of river estimation. The additional aim was to compare species composition in different types of water courses. The survey were carried out during 2007–2009 from April to September. In this period 41 survey sites on 21 rivers in Poland were visited. Studies have shown that the MIR index is related to the concentration of total phosphorus in waters, which indicates the sensitivity of this indicator against eutrophication. Botanical studies revealed that in mountain rivers the most frequent plants were bryophytes, and in lowland rivers – vascular plants.