In the Central European countries, one of the great challenges of the 21st Century is - concerning agriculture, too - the qualification of specialists working in the sector and their ability to meet the changing production and market requirements. Specialists with good command of foreign languages, equipped with highlevel agricultural and economic knowledge and skills are required for the integration of the new member countries into the international economy and trade. The different forms of cooperation between institutions, stretching over the nations' borders can be a good response to this need. In the spring of 2008, four institutions from the Visegrád countries - involved in agricultural economist training - signed an agreement to start a joint training course in English. These institutions are: the Faculty of Economics and Management, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland), Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague and the School of Economics and Social Sciences, Szent István University Gödöllõ (Hungary). The aim of the presentation is to outline the advantages of a multicultural English training course for the students and its contribution to the success of the participating higher education institutions.
W artykule przedstawiono dostosowania, jakie miały i mają miejsce w Szent István University w Gödöllö na Węgrzech w okresie postępującej globalizacji gospodarki światowej. Wskazano na zmiany liczby i struktury studentów, a także zaprezentowano analizę SWOT. Podkreślono rolę kształcenia w językach obcych, ze szczególną rolą programu Erasmus.