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2011 | 51 | 4 |

Tytuł artykułu

Czynniki biologiczne w integrowanej ochronie roślin

Warianty tytułu

Biocontrol agents in integrated plant protection

Języki publikacji



Over 40 years of gradual widening of the use of beneficial pathogenic, parasitic and predatory organisms in protection of glasshouse crops is an excellent example of effective implementation of biological methods and agents into agricultural practice in Poland. Significant success of biological methods has been also recorded in protection of orchards, edible mushroom cultures, and seedlings and cuttings in plant nurseries. However, tasks related with implementation of new regulations of the European Parliament and the Council (Regulation EC No 1107/2009 and Directive 2009/128/EC), which clearly emphasize the leading position of integrated pest management with priority given to non-chemical and natural means of pest and disease control, concern much grater range of agricultural environments, including open field agroecosystems. Here, besides a greater availability and continuous improvement of efficacy of biocontrol agents, significant improvement is needed in understanding of the role played by hundreds of native beneficial organisms naturally present in the agricultural environment. Effective conservation of their natural resources and biodiversity by manipulation of the environment in order to create proper conditions for dynamic growth of their populations, become urgent tasks for biological methods in integrated pest management in open-field crops. The main objective of this paper is to review present approaches to manage these tasks.

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