This paper presents information on foods eaten by the northern myotis, Myotis septentrionalis, from four different localities in the states of Missouri and Indiana, USA. Based on fecal and stomach content analyses, we found that M. septentrionalis feeds heavily on Lepidoptera (10.4-94.0% of the volume), and to a lesser extent on Coleoptera (0.4-64.0), Trichoptera (0.0-54.5), and Diptera (0.0-15.3). Non-flying prey items, such as spiders and lepidopterous larvae, made up 12.7% of food in 63 stomachs from Copperhead Cave, Indiana, which is a clear indication of the gleaning behavior of this species. Foraging was concentrated in the understory of non-riparian habitat, which may be a further reflection of a gleaning strategy. No significant differences were found in the overall diet of M. septentrionalis between evening and morning feeding periods, although there were some differences in consumption of particular orders.