W prezentowanej pracy zwrócono uwagę na kierunki obecnego rozwoju gminy Gołkowic położonej w powiecie nowosądeckim. Podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytania: - w jakim stopniu dawne czynniki rozwoju wpływać mogą obecnie na dynamikę życia wsi oraz jak ukształtuje się przyszłość Gołkowic jako jednostki produkcyjno-osadniczej?. Przestawiony przykład pokazuje, że wsie kotlin karpackich położone w strefach oddziaływania miast, podlegają w okresie transformacji intensywnym procesom urbanizacyjnym. W strukturze ekonomicznej takich wsi dominuje funkcja mieszkaniowa, którą wyraźnie wzmacniają dwa procesy: odpływ części lidności miast na przyległe obszary wiejskie i napływ ludności ze wsi górskich.
In this work modern trends of social-economic development of Gołkowice Dolne village, located in Sądecka Dale, were characterised. The author states that present population and economic changes are influenced by historical factors, first of all favourable geographic, communication and economic location. At the end of 18th century a large group of German farmers (about 70 people) was settled, introducing a significant progress in agriculture and architecture. After World War II Gołkowice rapidly changed its functions and in the 1980s it became a village with a large share of non-agriculture population (on post-German ground a farm-alimentary processing plant and green-houses producing vegetables were found, employing 200 people). The number of population increased from 340 to 1060 inhabitants in the years 1950-2000. In spite of worsening of local economic situation (the crash of the processing plant and the green-houses), a large inflow of population to the village from neighbourhood mountainous villages has been still recorded. The immigrants want to live closer to Nowy Sącz (the distance 14 km), where there are more job opportunities, different schools and service establishments. Nowadays the village performs mainly residential functions while the role of farming in local economy undergoes significant limitations. Agricultural products made in local farms are designed for own needs and sale for neighbours. The number of new houses increased very rapidly (in the years 1990-2000 they grew more than 20%). As a result of architecture development the old shape of the village has changed considerably. Beside the old centre grouping houses of former German settlers, which have a large monumental value, a couple of completely new parts of the village be-longing to non-agriculture inhabitants were formed. One might expect Gołkowice to be urbanised and transformed into a labour settlement with a small share of farmers. These processes are observed now in the whole suburban area of Nowy Sącz and Stary Sącz.