Rolnictwo polskie dysponuje wystarczającym potencjałem aby wypełnić Narodowy Cel Wskaźnikowy (NCW) w zakresie paliw płynnych (w transporcie), ale również mieć znaczący udział w produkcji energii elektrycznej i cieplnej. Konieczny staje się rozwój rolnictwa dostarczającego surowców energetycznych oraz wykorzystania odpadów i produktów ubocznych z produkcji roślinnej i zwierzęcej.
In a long-term strategy, Polish agriculture can provide ensure high quality food for it inhabitants, as well as energy biomass sources through an efficient use of the arable land and various biomass wastes. The requirement to fulfill the EU directive constitutes another incentive for activities oriented toward the use of renewable sources of energy, including biomass. The creation of a system for the local use of biomass (CHP) is very economic. The development of bio-gasworks in Poland is one of the priorities supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in the coming years. Poland has very favorable conditions to produce biogas and to grow willow poplar and Miscantus plantations areas. There is opportunity for diversification of energy sources and their dispersion, this makes it possible to create an energy safety system. The as of biomass offer an opportunity to get rid of a lot of unusable waste and obtain valuable forms of energy. The diversification of agricultural production does not involve any risk in agriculture but contributes to an activation of rural areas.