Post-communist countries are at present undergoing many mutually interdependent changes. For the postmodern society, there are characteristic patterns of acting and behaviour of the population, in which the impacts of the globalised world are reflected. Local communities of the eastern and Central Europe are gradually overcoming their closeness and are coping, in a relatively short interval of approximately twelve years, with the demands of market- oriented economy. It brings about losses of the hitherto social securities, but on the other hand also new possibilities of personal and family prosperity, perspectives for the future, valuation of investments into education, utilising of abilities and knowledge. The hitherto importance of agriculture for rural areas is changing, the patterns of socio-economic strategies of households as well as of communes issues from the multi-functional concept of the community development. The society differentiates considerably both socially and economically, Czech countryside can, with regard to its socio- democratic structure, Make only a partial profit from the offered opportunities of the modem times. The contribution is based on the results of several empirical sociological researches of Czech rural areas.
Przedstawiono zmiany zachodzące na czeskiej wsi po transformacji gospodarczej. Stwierdzono spadek zatrudnienia w rolnictwie, pojawienie się bezrobocia, ale również w ograniczonej skali rozwój przedsiębiorczości, tworzenie pozarolniczych miejsc pracy, choć ograniczone brakiem środków finansowych. Stwierdzono, że okolo 25% badanych ocenilo, iż ich poziom życia - w porównaniu z okresem przed transformacją - wzrósł, a okolo 33%, że uległ obniżeniu.