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1992 | 14 |

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Zastosowanie metodyki krajobrazowo-geochemicznej w badaniach fizycznogeograficznych na przykładzie okolic Frankfurtu nad Menem


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The use of landscape geochemical methods for physico-geographical research: a case study of the environs of Frankfurt-on-Main

Języki publikacji



The existing methods of landscape categorization are not sufficient to grasp relationships in the areas with a complicated evolutionary cycle. Therefore the geochemical landscape classification requires further improvement. The aim of the article is to show the application of the research methods of landscape geochemistry to determine the recent geochemical relationship in the Taunus Mts, Taunus Mts Foreland and on the Plain of the Lower Main River. The elementary landscape and geochemical landscape of various taxonomical levels can be distinguished in the studied area. Interrelated subordination of the geochemical landscape is conected with the Permian, Tertiary and Quartenary tectonic structures. Relations between elementary landscape should be regarded as the result of the periglacial denudative processes and the Holocene soil erosion. The recent geochemical interlinkings are not clearly visible in the investigated area.

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Opis fizyczny




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