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2016 | 57 Special Volume |

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The phenomenon of migration and its impact on social security


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The phenomenon of migration in the twenty-first century has reached a very large size. It is caused by various factors. Most often migrants are those who seek refuge from the conflict zones in the military. Another group are people who leave their homeland to find a better job. Dangerous group of terrorists, especially Muslims who want to convert the world against the will of others. This group is undesirable in any community. Recently observed increase in the presence of migrants in the European countries, also in Poland. Theorists state security alert that there was a problem and there is a real threat to the influx of hundreds of such people, which entails a threat to social security, and in a broader dimension to the security of the state. There is consent on the part of international organizations such as the European Union or the United Nations, of which Poland is a member, for being migrants within its embrace. The migrants decide highest world leaders, but if they are aware of the risks, which carry uncontrolled inflows of migrants in certain societies?

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  • The Institute of Social Sciences and Security, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, 2 Konarskiego Str., 08-110 Siedlce, Poland


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1st INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, dilemmas of scientific research in various fields of science: natural sciences, science and technology, economic and social sciences, humanistic sciences, 10th October, 2016, Cracow, Poland

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