An analysis of floatabilityandstabilityofthefloatingdock-dockedshipsystemisthesubjectof this paper. These properties are considered for a cubicoid box dock whose dimensions are close ( almost identical) to those of SINE 212 CD dock designed by SINUS design office.The analysis is first of all aimed at determination of the above mentioned hydromechanicalproperties in the light of the relevant requirements of PRS dealing with minimum freeboard of the dock and its initial metacentric height. It has been concluded that the analyzed dock reveals the designed docking capability which is not constrained by the PRS requirements though the dock in question is fitted with the roofing unfavourable for dock stability. It has been shownthat assessing the tranverse stability of the dock as well as of docked ship ( floating object) by means ofa stability factor instead of metacentric height, is reasonable. The work was performed within the frame of EUREKA – E! 2968 ECOLOGICAL DOCK research project