Tajęża jednostronna Goodyera repens (L.) R. Br. znajduje się na Czerwonej liście roślin naczyniowych w Polsce ze statusem [E] – „gatunek silnie zagrożony wymarciem na izolowanych stanowiskach”. W lipcu 2011 roku znaleziono nowe stanowisko tego gatunku w Bieszczadach Zachodnich, u podnóży Jeleniowatego. Liczebność populacji oszacowano na 5160 rozetek, a areał wynosił około 200 m2
This paper reports a new site of creeping lady’s tresses Goodyera repens in the Western Bieszczady region. Goodyera repens is an endangered orchid species occurring mainly in coniferous forests in lowlands and in the upper subalpine zones. According to the Red List of Plants and Fungi in Poland, the species faces a high risk of extinction at isolated locations outside the main area of occurrence. The stand described in this paper is the only site of this species in the Bieszczady Mountains confirmed after 1980 and the southernmost in Poland. It covers ca. 200 m2 and is well isolated from the surrounding forest. It is characterised by relatively low and loose undergrowth and dominance of several moss species over higher plant taxa. The estimated density of Goodyera repens reaches 25 rosettes per 1 m2, which is relatively high. A relevé describing the local floral diversity was made