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Zawartość biomasy mikroorganizmów oraz drobnocząsteczkowej frakcji materii organicznej jako wskaźniki zmian zachodzących w środowisku glebowym pod wpływem tradycyjnej i konserwującej technologii uprawy


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Microbial biomass and particulate organic matter fraction contents as indicators of ongoing in soil environment caused by convention management systems

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The studies on changes of microbial biomass and POM contents in soil as an effect of applied management system (conventional, reduced tillage and direct sowing) under different soil- climatic conditions were conducted in the years 2002-2005. At Experimental Station in Jelcz- Laskowice, in 2003 and 2005, soil under conventional management system showed on average about 12% and 15% higher content of microbial biomass, respectively, than in direct sowing management system. At Experimental Station in Baborówko, microbial biomass content in soil under direct sowing and reduced tillage was higher about 13 and 5%, respectively, when compared to the conventional management system. Similar trends were also observed in the soil enzymatic activity. At Jelcz Laskowice, in relation to the results obtained in soil under direct sowing management, the measurements of activity of dehydrogenases were on average 20% lower than in soil under conventional tillage. At Baborówko, the measurements of activity of dehy­drogenases were on average 30% times higher in soil under direct sowing management system, than in soil under conventional tillage. Probably, the enzymatic activity of soil was influenced by the soil water content and pool of microorganisms living in soil. The significant influence of management system on POM fraction was observed. In 2005, in comparison to 2003, the in­crease of POM fraction expressed as the percentage of total soil OM was the higher in direct sowing soil on average 10-15% at both experimental sites, when compared to the soil managed conventionally. The obtained results suggests that pool of microbial biomass, activity of de­hydrogenase system and pool of POM fraction can be recommended as sensitive indicators of ongoing changes in soil OM caused by applied management system.

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