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2016 | 25 | 2 |

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Consistency of the wind power industry, including the process of sustainable planning and space management


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Development of the wind power industry in Poland is more and more dynamic, which is proving interest in obtaining more energy from renewable sources. It is one of more efficient and attractive forms of eco-energetic activity. At the same time, wind energy is a unique, dominant spatial form that clearly influences the quality of the landscape. This is a reason why it frequently evokes dichotomous feelings. Not questioning the need for existence of this branch of energy production, and even seeking the possibility of its further sustainable development, it is reasonable to develop a consistent assessment method to influence eco-energetic investments in the landscape and environment. It will enable defining, testing, and creating planning methods to facilitate and implement policy of broadly-understood sustainable development. In the article design capabilities and implementation possibilities of projects, called wind farms, were discussed on the basis of examples of the existing and planned projects in Poland. Merging scientific fields related to renewable energy sources and spatial planning requires development of method pursuing the idea of environmental protection and sustainable development, both of eco-energetic and spatial nature. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the need to define research areas whose solution allows us to determine a coherent methodology for the evaluation and location of wind farms in the process of sustainable planning and space management.

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  • Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Applied Science in Nysa, Poland
  • Institute of Landscape Architecture, University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław, Wroclaw, Poland


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