Mycological data published in the years 2012−2017 in six papers on the exhibitions of fungi of the Białowieża Forest (NE Poland) was analysed to demonstrate that incidental, few days long field studies in that region may provide interesting and valuable data on fungal diversity and richness. The discussed papers, in addition to the lists of species presented, include information on some interesting taxa collected during the preparation of the exhibitions. This data complements the knowledge on the fungal biota of the Białowieża Forest and is documented by the herbarium specimens. There are 865 macrofungal taxa (72 of Ascomycota and 793 of Basidiomycota) mentioned in these papers. Almost half of them (421 taxa) were particularly valuable fungi, with 239 being new for the Białowieża Forest, i.e. they had not been reported from this area earlier. 75 taxa found during the field work preceding the exhibitions had not been found in Poland previously (e.g. Chromosera cyanophylla, Clitocybe collina, Cortinarius talimultiformis, Cystoderma subvinaceum). Moreover, 67 taxa have not been so far reported from other localities in Poland (e.g. Amylocystis lapponica, Pycnoporellus alboluteus and Steccherinum tenuispinum). 15 fungal species collected before the exhibitions are protected in Poland, 6 of them are strictly protected. 185 red−listed fungi were also found, among them 1 species with Ex (extinct) category (Scytinostroma galactinum) and 61 with E (endangered) category (e.g. Pholiota squarrosoides, Punctularia strigosozonata, Rigidoporus crocatus). An analysis of the published data indicates that even short−term, incidental studies may provide important and valuable data on the fungi of the Białowieża Forest and that the potential richness of its mycobiota is much higher than previously recognised and estimated. Presented results confirm the need for further basic research on the biodiversity of macrofungal biota of the Białowieża Forest. It should involve application of new research methods, participation of taxonomists specializing in specific fungal groups, identification of threats and establishing of a conservation program and population monitoring of the most valuable species in this area.