Ttyh1 gene is a member of tweety family of putative large conductance maxi-Cl- channels. According to our previous data, expression of Ttyh1 mRNA in the brain is localized in neurons and is increased following status epilepticus in the animal model of epileptogenesis. The function of Ttyh1 has not been elucidated. Here we aimed at characterization of Ttyh1 by overexpressing or silencing it in neuroblastoma cell line or in hippocampal neurons in vitro. In hippocampal neurons transfected with plasmid coding Ttyh1-EGFP fused protein, Ttyh1-EGFP was present in dots along the neurites and at the ends of new formed projections. Similar Ttyh1-EGFP localization was observed in neuroblastoma cells. Overexpression of Ttyh1 in hippocampal neurons in vitro induced formation of new, often branched projections as soon as after 24 h. Even more intense branching was observed when cells were transfected with Ttyh1 7 or 14DIV. Ttyh1 silencing in hippocampal neurons in vitro using siRNA increased the number and length of primary dendrites. In addition, it affected cell morphology causing abnormal pattern of MAP2 distribution. Since manipulation of Ttyh1 expression infl uences cell morphology and distribution of cytoskeleton elements, we propose that Ttyh1 is involved in cytoskeleton functions. It is tempting to suggest, that by infl uencing the neurite growth and ramifi cation, Ttyh1 participates in aberrant network formation and by this – the development of epilepsy. Supported by MNiSW N N301 162135